Course Details
Pocus - EDE 1-Point of Care Ultrasound course
Course Name
Pocus - EDE 1-Point of Care Ultrasound course
Duration: 1 Days
Course materials
Language: english
Certificate: Yes
Course Fee: 200 KWD
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EDE 1 – POCUS training is a one-day ultrasound course that aims to improve the bedside ultrasound skills of IM physicians and primary care providers through a modular, problem-based approach. The course covers a wide variety of clinical scenarios where bedside ultrasound can assist in diagnosis, therapeutics, management, procedures, and ultimately, provide improved patient outcomes. The course covers pericardial effusion, global cardiac activity, abdominal aortic aneurysm, abdominal free fluid, pneumothorax, pleural effusion and intrauterine pregnancy. Since 2001, the EDE – ED Echo course has been taught in Canada and worldwide over 1500 times to over 25000 Canadian and international physicians and allied health professionals. Its use has become the standard of care in large trauma centers, remote settings and everything in between. It has even been used by Canadian Army combat units in Afghanistan. EDE is the most highly rated introductory ultrasound course in North America. Participants receive 30 College of Family Practitioners of Canada CERT+ credits or 12 Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada Section 3 credits. The course is unique in that it has continually evolved as the instructor team gained insight into the way beginners learn this skill. Numerous techniques were developed to help the learner acquire a basic understanding of ultrasound image generation and interpretation, making the EDE Course the most effective teaching vehicle for this modality.
- Understand the basic principles of ultrasound as they are applied to acute care medicine.
- Identify the causes of urgent and emergent conditions that are commonly seen in acute care medicine.
- Identify abnormalities including: abdominal aortic aneurysm, pleural effusion, pneumothorax, abdominal free fluid, pericardial effusion and absent cardiac activity.
- Identifying intra-uterine pregnancies (to dramatically reduce the risk of ectopic pregnancy)
- Generate high-quality images
- Introduction
- Physics, Screen Orientation, Knobology & Image Optimization
- Pericardial Effusion
- Global cardiac activity
- Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm
- Abdominal free fluid
- Pneumothorax, pleural effusion
Pre-test on the didactic material prior to coming to the course.
The credentialing process occurs after the modules have been completed and the required number of supervised scans have occurred onsite with certified POCUS instructors in Kuwait. Candidates will also be required to pass 3 exams: visual, practical and written. Upon successful completion of the exams, the candidate will be certified in the Canadian Point of Care Ultrasound Society as an Independent Practitioner.
The credentialing process occurs after the modules have been completed and the required number of supervised scans have occurred onsite with certified POCUS instructors in Kuwait. Candidates will also be required to pass 3 exams: visual, practical and written. Upon successful completion of the exams, the candidate will be certified in the Canadian Point of Care Ultrasound Society as an Independent Practitioner.
Anesthetist, Cardiologist, Internal Medicine, Physicians and Primary care Providers including Assistant Registrars, Registrars and Senior Physicians
Available Dates
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